GirlSMART is designed as a research-based after-school program literacy program that targets traditionally underserved girls from diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds in grades K – 3. GirlSMART uses “balanced” literacy activities including read alouds, reader’s theater, phonics instruction, guided reading, as well as self esteem and social skills development through the integration of Qualities of Strong Smart Bold.
The GirlSMART after school literacy program model is guided by research including the National Reading Panel’s Put Reading First publication which identifies five building blocks necessary to develop literacy. These building blocks include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. GirlSMART’s carefully designed after school program combines a rich literacy curriculum with character education to encourage GirlSMART students to learn and practice new reading skills while building confidence.
Ten Elementary Schools in Richmond, CA: Bayview, Highland, Lincoln, Nystrom, Chavez, Washington, Harding, King, Mira Vista, and Michelle Obama
Seven elementary schools in Oakland: La Escuelita, TCN/ICS, Allendale, Bridges, Horace Mann, Burckhalter and Bella Vista
Parkwood Heights Elementary School
Key Academy Charter School
The GirlSMART literacy program measures student growth by assessing girls’ literacy skills 3 times a year using DIBELS 8 literacy assessment. The individual results for each girl are analyzed and the data is used to target the individual literacy needs of each girl. Additionally, the DIBELS scores for each organization are compiled into a report to assess the overall growth literacy growth.
After school program staff who teach in the program are supported through professional development and classroom observations. The programs are also evaluated qualitatively through data collected during classroom observations as well as through surveys given to parents, the regular school-day teachers, and staff.